Sango.....The DM
Adam.....K'Phalvius Hardun the half-elf ranger.
Andy.....Andy the anonymous human druid.
Brian.....Eddi the human cleric.
Chauncey.....Chauncey the anonymous elf wizard.
Sarah.....Elya "Lucky" Nearhit the halfling rogue.

Former players:
Nigel.....Auren the human monk

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Beginnings and Explanations

This is a blog recording the weekly sessions of a game of Dungeons and Dragons. Rather awkwardly, the concept of the blog was not brought up and implemented until well into six weeks of play. Therefore, these first few posts will be documenting events long-since past.

Adam.....K'Phalvius Hardun the half-elf ranger.
Andy.....Andy the anonymous human druid.
Brian.....Eddi the human cleric.
Chauncey.....Chauncey the anonymous elf wizard.
Nigel.....Auren the human monk.
Sarah.....Elya "Lucky" Nearhit the halfling rogue.

Brian did not join the game until the second week, and Chauncey the sixth.

WEEK ONE: The First D&D Week

Just outside the town of Tarindown, a group of adventurers headed north. These adventurers -- Auren, a monk, K'Phalvius Hardun, a ranger, Lucky, a rogue, and a nameless druid named Andy -- had come into the employ of Bill Beard, Tarindown's greatest barber. (Also, two donkeys. Technically, a donkey and a mule, belonging to K'Phalvius. They were soon to be the ass-end of many upcoming gibes.) Bill, a jolly gnome who, again, was really snazzy when it came to haircuts, required protection on the long voyage to the northern city of Burlingham, where he planned to expand his business. The contract signed read as such: our heroes were required to (1) protect Mr. Beard and (2) clear the road of potential dangers for a later caravan that would include his relatives, barbering equipment, and larger belongings. In return, each guard would be rewarded a handsome sum of 500 gold pieces.

The road to Burlingham was about three days' travel through the temperate Mossdeep Forest and the lower hills of the Maurick Mountains. The party had not long journeyed before running afoul of a band of bloodthirsty goblins waiting to ambush any unwary travelers. Andy's faithful eagle, also nameless, spotted out the enemies and Lucky's keen halfling ears picked up a bit of their conversation, making out mention of a goblin camp a short way to the west. The goblins made for a fair first encounter for the bunch of 1st-level warriors: Auren jumped into the fray fists-first; Andy the anonymous druid practiced his swordplay on the diminutive opponents; K'Phalvius, favoring the bow, shot arrow after arrow, figuring that eventually he'd hit something; and Lucky, not really knowing what to do, just kind of hung around. Inevitably, the goblins went down because really the Creator had designed them to be natural punching bags. BUT SUDDENLY, just as the final goblin was slayed a new goblin emerged from the woods from the west. Seeing his allies' blood upon the swords (and limbs) of our heroes, the little guy understandably took off like a rocket, crashing through the brush westwards, presumably to the aforementioned camp.

With a battle well-fought and the new players (most of whom had never played before) beginning to settle into their nerdy roles the very first weekly game session ended.

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