Sango.....The DM
Adam.....K'Phalvius Hardun the half-elf ranger.
Andy.....Andy the anonymous human druid.
Brian.....Eddi the human cleric.
Chauncey.....Chauncey the anonymous elf wizard.
Sarah.....Elya "Lucky" Nearhit the halfling rogue.

Former players:
Nigel.....Auren the human monk

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Week Two: In Which Events Occur

Auren and K'Phalvius decided to follow the goblin that had run away from the battle in the first session. Lucky and Andy stayed on the road with Bill Beard to await their return. After some squabbling, Auren and K'Phalvius agreed to track the goblin to the goblin camp rather than kill him outright. They'd hoped to kill him just before his screamed warnings would reach the ears of the camp, but upon coming into visual range of the camp, it was too late. Their prey alerted the rest of the goblins seconds before K'Phalvius' arrow split his face.

The camp was located in a rocky clearing at the foothills of the Maurick Mountains and a small rock face hosting a couple of goblin archers prevented our heroes from seeing the rest of the camp. As they fought the goblins, little did they know that beyond the cliff a prisoner struggled with his bonds in a goblin tent. 'Twas the cleric, Eddi, captured offstage by the monsters. He uttered a prayer to Kord, god of strength and managed to snap his bonds and, with the goblins distracted, grab his sword. Prepared to administer vengeance, he burst out of the tent to find that Auren and K'Phalvius had already made short work of most of the monsters. Still, he wasn't about to let his vengeance go unadministered, and sliced the single remaining goblin in half.

Eddi was kind of a loner, but warily decided to join the others mostly to keep the game going. He revealed a crude map he had discovered in the goblin camp and K'Phalvius recognized it as a depiction of the village in Byron Valley (a stop along the road to Burlingham) with a strange marking drawn on the west of the village. Everybody agreed that it must be the goblin's treasure hoard -- Eddi insisted on checking it out while Auren refused, citing Bill Beard's safety as a priority. Bill piped up and expressed his interest in investigating the marking.

Anyway, since Byron Valley was on the way to the final destination of Burlingham, they decided to leave the issue unresolved until reaching the valley. On the road they were attacked by some kobolds, who Nigel described as "Doritos." The monsters never stood a chance and so the adventure continues...

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